Author: display
Blaming Kurds for unrest, Iran threatens Iraq with offensive: It is time for the Kurds to have their own country. Parts of Syria, Turkiye, Iraq, and Iran. #Kurdistan #Kurds #Liberty #IranRevoIution2022 #IranRevoIution
Blaming Kurds for unrest, Iran threatens Iraq with offensive: It is time for the Kurds to have their own country. Parts of Syria, Turkiye,
Did anyone ever think that Elon Musk is deliberately killing Twitter because it is a tool of democracy and freedom, conversely he is a totalitarian operative in league with the likes of Russia, China, Saudi Arabia and traitorous Republicans in the US? #twitter #freedom #Democracy
Did anyone ever think that Elon Musk is deliberately killing Twitter because it is a tool of democracy and freedom, conversely he is a totalitarian